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Ecole de Paris : 1990 in Taipei Dimensions Art Center


30x27 cm


Ecole de Paris has two broad and narrow meanings. Broadly speaking, it refers to the entire modern painting movement that developed with Paris as the center; including Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism..., and the art movements in Paris to this day. However, what art historians call "Paris School" mostly refers to the expressive and sentimental style developed by painters who immigrated to Paris during World War I and in the 1920s after the war. Historians collectively refer to this painting style as the "Ecole de Paris". This book introduces in detail the members of Ecole de Paris, including painters such as Modigliani, Chagall, Baskin, Klins, Van Dongen and Tsuguharu Foujita.

 Ecole de Paris : 1990 in Taipei Dimensions Art Center
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